Sunday 2 August 2015

Government Set to Strengthen State Revenue Base

As part of its effort to re-energies its revenue machinery, Akwa Ibom State Government has engaged a new revenue firm, Immerson Consult Limited to assist in strengthening its revenue base.
Also assigned additional responsibility to oversee the smooth running of Internal Revenue Service(IRS) pending the appointment

 of a substantive Chairman was the Permanent Secretary, State Budget Office, Pastor Nicholas Ekarika.
The State Commissioner for Finance, Mr. Akan Okon made this known in Uyo on Thursday, during a crucial meeting with stakeholders in the revenue sector of the State. Reiterating government's resolve to raise its revenue bar in line with its policy thrust, the Commissioner said that part of the strategy would be to rake in additional funds by tightening the lapses in tax collection.
He said it was imperative to diversify the economy of the State to non-oil revenue in the face of dwindling fortunes from oil in order to upgrade and sustain the economy. Mr. Akan Okon therefore charged the new consulting firm to bring its vast experience and professionalism to bear in service delivery,while urging the revenue Personnels to work in harmony with the firm in order to meet the State's revenue benchmark.
The Permanent Secretary for Budget, Pastor Nicholas Ekarika, commended government's initiative of injecting new blood into the system and expressed his readiness to carry out his new assignment to the best of his ability.
 On his part,the representative of Immerson Consult, Mr. Mfon Eyoama thanked Akwa Ibom Government for the privilege given them to serve and promised to reciprocate the gesture by working assiduously towards enhancing the State's revenue profile.
Speaking on behalf of IRS Staff, Mr. Ini Silas and Mr. Abia lauded the State government for appointing an indigenous firm and pledged their support and cooperation for the realization of the IRS set goals and objectives.
Also present at the meeting were Permanent Secretaries and Heads of Extra-Ministerial Departments under the Ministry of Finance among whom were, Permanent Secretary for Finance, Mrs Eme-ete Imuk, Permanent Secretary/Accountant-General, Sir Udo Hillary Isobara, as well as Heads of Departments and Units of Internal Revenue Service.

Source: Essien Inyang

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