Saturday, 7 September 2013

AKS 2015: Foundation For A Greater Tomorrow.

By Arc. Ezekiel Nya-Etok

Arc Ezekiel Nya-Etok

The past few weeks have been understandably busy and eventful with respect to the obviously most important date on our state calendar :2015, as concerning who will come up as our next governor eventually. All the talk about zoning or power shift is to one end -where the the next governor should come from, and ultimately, who the governor should be.

Within the "three major ethnic nationalities", and the "three senatorial districts" proponents, or supporters, or advocates, are people that believe that 'tribes and tongues don't rule, but individuals do' and that all they care is that the most qualified person should be voted into that all important office.

Also, within these same ethnic, and senatorial blocks are people that call for fairness and equity. On one hand, the senatorial advocates believe that after USD and ISD, claims of fairness and equity should give it to ESD. Same argument on ethnic considerations, say we should give it to Oron nation, after the Ibibios and Annangs having had their turn.

Ndito-Eka, if we have any claims to honesty and good conscience, is any of these groups honestly speaking nonsense? I sincerely doubt. Round One.

Round Two: Supporters of UOU vs Individual aspirations. Like him, or hate him, with all that I have heard and read, does he not have every right to aspire to be the governor of our state? Do we not also have the right to agree or not agree for him? Is he, or indeed any other person at liberty of the constitution, not free to so aspire? In my honest opinion, he does, as we all do. Must we call him names and try to rubbish his years of service? And to his supporters, are we not also at liberty to say we may not be favorably disposed to his ambition? Can we not agree to agree, or even agree to disagree without resorting to acts that betray brotherhood and accommodation?

Round Three: PDP and Zoning. Many people are of the opinion that other aspirants outside the ESD should not be allowed to contest, as a party position. If this has not been the case in the past, it will be nouvelle if it can be done now. How about other parties? These are all questions and issues that we have deliberated extensively on the different AKS forum both at home and abroad especially within the global space called social media.

The point in the above is the need for less of dogmatism, more of rational thinking. Less of acrimonies and more of love, understanding, and accommodation.

My concern:
We seem to be perfecting the act of seeing fire afar off and walking towards it as if all is well until we probably eventually get burnt. Isn't it wiser to avoid, more so where it is avoidable? We try to avoid to be quoted, to be said as having said. People are getting deeply hurt, deeply wounded, feeling betrayed, not accommodated, being ignored, and the like. And yet 2015 is not in a hurry to move. It is static and everyday we are walking closer and closer towards and into it. We all hope that something will happen.

If nothing is done soon, and very soon, as the days get closer, there will be individual and group efforts to capture the coveted 'trophy'. With this, usually come the group of the spoilers. If I can't have it, then you neither. When the child is split, the natural consequence is death. Blood on the streets, deep sounds, acrimonies, animosities, betrayals, divisions, and the like.
With the above, will come the natural concomitance of insecurity, and progression will give way to regression.

The strong will muscle the weak, and the weak will resort to spiritual retaliations and gorilla tactics.
Please let someone tell me that I'm talking crab! How sincerely wrong I wish I am.

Way Forward:

We are predominantly Christians no matter how nominal. Let us as individuals search our conscience and consider the poor at home who will be the target of our inconsideration, and even sometimes inordinate ambition.

We will take advantage of their vulnerability and exploit them. They will be killed and maimed in the process.

Far above this, people who are just returning to the state on account of the present peace and stability at home will takeoff again, close shop and relocate. Offices will be closed and jobs will be lost. The young men will again take up the damning job of the politician's 'boys' and touts. This vicious cycle, this evil wind that will blow no one no good, will ravage us again.

Therefore, let us allow God to touch our hearts and bring about compromise, fair consideration, accommodation, and do-right-ness.

Let us devote the next few days to seeking practical solutions that will have a fair consideration on as much of our dear people back home as possible.

In my opinion, it might come to our taking our case to the people of Akwa Ibom State, which, in the first instance, is the essence of democracy. Let us depend on persuading the people. Let us ALL resolve that nothing but TRANSPARENT, FREE AND FAIR elections will be accepted by the people. Let us all come up with ingenious ways of achieving the above.
Let us accept that whatever is the verdict of the generality of the people of the state as expressed through the free and fair ballot must be accepted by all and sundry. Let us start a strong and almost fanatical campaign for nothing short of free and fair general elections so much so that anyone that is so sure of himself, like Dr Mimiko did, can take up an inexistent party and perform wonders at the polls.

Let this be our fall back position, resolve, target, and irrevocable resolution.

The above does not negate the need for constant dialogue amongst us and a possible convoking of a form of truth and reconciliation jaw-jaw session to consider any and all grievances of the 'federating' units within the state with a view to addressing any and all injustices.

If this is done today, rather than bottled up emotions and sentiments that will be ventilated during the elections, we will start to have the healing of wounds that will leave the entire body fit and sound leading to a peaceful elections. A stitch in time will sure save nine.

Get Real!:
The above might sound pretty utopian. "Da, stop dreaming" may be the 'kind' advice of those that 'know better' To the above group of people, my sympathy will always be with them. Some honestly mean what they say and no offenses intended, BUT, often times we become enslaved by our knowledge and experiences.

To hope against hope has been my stock in trade. We should rather look on the bright side of life than despair, and solution provider than problem analyst.
He who dares, wins!

My final submission is that if we can preach tolerance and accommodation, we will each be able to present our case to the generality of the people of our dear AKS who will decide at the polls. With the above, winners will be less inclined to exterminate their opponents, and rather extend hands of friendship while losers will find accommodation in the milk of human kindness of the winners, and together, we will build the AKS of our dreams.



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