Friday 16 August 2013

On Fashola and the Deportation Saga By Oraye St. Franklin

Regardless of the fact that the media that's mostly based and commandeered from the west of Nigeria, the homebase of both FASHOLA and his APC, have absolved him and his party of any wrong in repatriating Nigerians from Lagos, a Nigerian state because they are non-Lagosians, even though the act was unconstitutional, FASHOLA and his APC nevertheless have a huge burden to bear as they canvass the support and votes of Nigerians.

Nothing, no amount of media work will justify the repatriation of Nigerians from within their country for their being non-natives of their places of abode. That's akin to apartheid and must be summarily condemned.

If FASHOLA and his APC suggest to us that Nigerians have no right of abode in places other than of their nativity, that is probably the beginning of the end of Nigeria as we know it and that's a dangerous turn.

Igbos have and are crying foul. I think they are justified to do so. I understand Ngige who justified the act was recently pelted with stones and pure water sachets at a political rally in his hitherto strong homebase of Anambra. That's a good omen and a reminder of the fact that in all things political, the best interest of the people must come first.

I seriously hope this APC doesn't end up being worse off than we already are being dealt with.

For now FASHOLA must know that Nigerians, no matter the challenge they face, be it mental, financial or even political, must be treated with dignity and by the dictates of the constitution of our dear country. Repatriating non-Lagosians from Lagos is a bad precedence that must never ever be repeated or justified by whatever guise.


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